A ______ is a celebration held for a man shortly before his wedding, attended by his male friends only.
- when the author think about his good friends in the past, _______________________. A: he remember them like he is seeing a movie B: his memories about his male friends and female friends are different just like movies filmed in totally different ways C: his female friendsare compared toaction or adventure movies D: he has entirely different pictures of his female friends and male friends
- Mr. Anderson calls the Texas Restaurant for () A: his wedding B: inviting his friends to dinner C: a birthday party of his wife D: a meeting with his colleagues
- 中国大学MOOC: Shortly before his death in 1945,Henry James joined the Communist Party.
- 中国大学MOOC: Not only Jim but also his friends _____ yet, so his teacher feels very worried.
- The author was very frustrated with the conference because only a small number of audiences attended his lecture.