• 2022-06-04
    The shopkeeper gave me a 100-yuan note instead of a 10-yuan note from mistake.
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      The meaning of the first Yuan in “Yuan Ming Yuan” means “Yuan Tong”. ( )

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      I spend 100 yuan ______ that coat.

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      中国大学MOOC: On July 21st, 2005, the Chinese government changed the value of the yuan from 8.28 yuan per U.S. dollar to 8.11 yuan per U.S. dollar. This implies a __________ dollar and a __________ yuan.

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      He put a great deal of his heart into the project. However, his teacher gave a large red F on the front page with a note, "See me after class."

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      SAFE is different from convertible note because convertible note does not have interest rates while SAFE has.