• 2022-06-05
    People are never happy if they feel ____by society to do work they do not enjoy.
  • compelled


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      POOR: We are poor. A: have no money B: feel happy C: are very interested D: do not like to work hard

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      In team work, you are supposed to never _____ (强加于) your personal ideas on someone else. Otherwise people feel compelled to do something. A: inflict B: infer C: forgive D: forbid

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      People do not feel happy as they achieve a better standard of living because they come to take for granted the things they could not afford before.( )

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      ​efficiently undertakes prospect compelled aggression‏​He cannot be really happy if he is____________ by society to do what he does not ‏enjoy doing, or if what he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of no value or ‏​ importance.‏​‏

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      From the text we know Judith's mother would _________. A: save every cent for her children B: feel happy all the time C: never endure sneers from other people D: do everything for her children