• 2022-06-05
    Always use a _______ handshake when you shake hands with an American.
    A: firm
    B: limp
    C: formal
    D: informal
  • A


    • 0

      In America, people like a ______ handshake with the whole hand. A: limp B: firm C: rigid D: confirmed

    • 1

      29.You were_______( rest) when waiting for your interview, your handshake was limp and you did not look at the interviewer.

    • 2

      With an older person you can shake hands and smile. But remember that in America , we like a firm handshake.

    • 3

      When you shake hands, looking the other person in the eyes is important.

    • 4

      It is not polite to keep eye contact when you shake hands with others.