• 2022-06-05
    Firth's theory of Context of Situation mainly includes _________.
    A: the relevant features of the participants, persos, personalities.
    B: the verbal action of the participants
    C: the relevant objects.
    D: the effects of the verbal action.
  • A,C,D


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      中国大学MOOC: When doing a verbal communication, the status of the participants is not as important for an American as for a Chinese .

    • 1

      The communication process involves the following interrelated elements: the context, the participants, the message being communicated, the channels through which the communication occurs, the presence or absence of “noise”, and the verbal and nonverbal responses known as feedback.

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      When arranging accommodations, a company secretary’s main duty should be____. A: making travel arrangements for participants B: contacting with relevant hotels C: overseeing various accommodation arrangements D: all the above

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      Firth’s main approach to developing a linguistic theory based on the notion of function in context was by means of the concept of ______.

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      Costs that are relevant in one decision situation may not be relevant in another context. A: 正确 B: 错误