• 2022-06-04
    The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the body authorized to establish accounting principles for all governmental and not-for-profit organizations.
  • 错误


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      会计利润(accounting profit)

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      All of the following statements regarding accounting information systems are true except: () A: Accounting information systems collect and process data from transactions and events. B: Accounting information systems organize data in useful forms. C: Accounting information systems are crucial to effective decision making. D: Accounting information systems do not establish internal control procedures.

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      There are two main types of arbitration body governmental and non- governmental.。( )

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      All of the following statements regarding accounting information systems are true except: A: Accounting information systems do not establish internal control procedures. B: Accounting information systems collect and process data from transactions and events. C: Accounting information systems are crucial to effective decision making. D: Accounting information systems communicate information to business decision makers.

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      All of the following statements regarding accounting information systems are true except: A: Accounting information systems collect and process data from transactions and events. B: Accounting information systems organize data in useful forms. C: Accounting information systems do not establish internal control procedures. D: Accounting information systems are crucial to effective decision making. E: Accounting information systems communicate information to business decision makers.