• 2022-06-04
    The prefix “a-” has the same meaning as ___
    A: un-
    B: an-
    C: um-
    D: pre-
  • B


    • 0

      The prefix bronch (i/o)- has the meaning of ______ . A: throat B: nose C: month D: larynx

    • 1

      Which of the following words is not based on the prefix “pre-”?

    • 2

      d) In the words “ dysphagia”, ”dysrhythmia”, dystonia” “dys-“ functions as prefix and has a meaning as________.

    • 3

      A lot of prefixes stand for certain numbers. For example, the prefix “tri-” means “3” and “sex-” has the meaning of “ 6”.Which of the following is the meaning of the prefix “ sept-”? ( ) A: 7 B: 8 C: 9 D: 10

    • 4

      The word “legend” in “League of legends” has the same meaning with _____.