• 2022-06-04
    You are always______your mind.
    A: change
    B: changes
    C: changing
    D: to change
  • C


    • 0

      It is essential that you ______ your study habits if you expect to do well in college. A: changed B: change C: changing D: will change

    • 1

      You cannot cancel your order you change your mind within three days.

    • 2

      If you were ______ of all that, you would change your mind. A: award B: known C: keen D: aware

    • 3

      You can change your mind () A: late B: later C: lately D: latest

    • 4

      29. If you _____ your mind, please call me at this number before Saturday.A) changed B) would change C) had changed D) change A: changed B: would change C: had changed D: change