中国大学MOOC:"The key to abstracting a research paper is to look for the 5 elements in your research paper, and write 1-2 sentences for each.";
- Research paper有两种类型,一种是primary research paper, 一种是secondary research paper。
- 中国大学MOOC: Which of the following are typical components of a research paper?
- Decide which elements are essential: A: Purpose or aim of the paper B: An outline of your paper C: Relevant background information D: Review of work by other writers on the topic E: Your research methods
- What kind of structure in an academic presentation can help us reach effective communication? A: The structure of your research paper. B: A customized, simplified, and question-oriented structure based on your paper layout. C: The inner structure of each section in your research paper can be used as the macro-structure for your presentation. D: Adopt the macro-structure of your paper, and get rid of the micro-structures within each section to simplify your academic presentation.
- 中国大学MOOC:"The main part of a research paper includes Introduction, Methods, Results and __________.";