The Age of ______ mainly covers the first half of the 18th century and it is the peak of the Neoclassical Age and thus we sometimes call it the “Golden Age” or the “Augustan Age.”
- 中国大学MOOC: There are several different ages of man in these stories, including the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Iron Age the Wooden Age.
- The 18th century was the golden age of the English ___. The novel of this period spoke the truth about life with an uncompromising courage.
- In American literature, the 18th century was an age of and Revolution.
- 下面哪一个表达式能正确表示逻辑关系:"age≥18 或age≤60"? A: age>=18 || age B: age>=18 or age C: age>=18 | age D: age>=18 && age
- 表达式“AGE BETWEEN 18 AND 24”等价于 A: AGE>18 AND AGE<24 B: AGE>=18 AND AGE<24 C: AGE>18 AND AGE<=24 D: AGE>=18 AND AGE<=24
- 0
T he 18th century is also called 'the Age of _____'.
- 1
In American literature, the 18th century was an age of reason and revolution.
- 2
Historians refer to the years between the Civil War and the start of the 20th century in the U. S. history as the______, an era of industrial giants. A: Golden Age B: Permissive Age C: Gilded Age D: Jazz Age
- 3
设有关系表S(NO,NAME,AGE),其中AGE为年龄字段,则表达式AGE NOT BETWEEN 18 AND 24等价于() A: AGE<=18 OR AGE>=24 B: AGE<=18 0R AGE>24 C: AGE<18 OR AGE>=24 D: AGE<18 0R AGE>24
- 4
设有关系表S(NO,NAME,AGE),其中AGE为年龄字段,则表达式 A: E NOT BETWEEN 18 AND 24 等价于: B: AGE<=18 OR AGE>=24 C: AGE<=18 OR AGE>24 D: AGE<18 OR AGE>=24 E: AGE<18 OR AGE>24