• 2022-06-04
    1 What did his mum do when David didn’t answer her phone?2 What “cool” thing did Mia’s dad do that embarrassed her instead?3 Why was Mia’s mum chatting with her friend Katie online?4 Why didn’t David’s friends want to chat to his dad online?
  • 1 She posted on David’s wall and told him to go home.2 He wrote “U.O.E.N.O, You Don’t Even Know” on Mia’s wall.3 Her mum was worried about her and wanted to check if she was OK.4 They were worried he will speak to their parents.


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      —Showmeyourpresentsforyourparents,willyou?—Look!Thebagisfor______.Andthesunglassesare______. A: Mum;Dad’s B: Mum;Dad C: Mum’s;Dad’s D: Mum’s;Dad

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      用名词性物主代词填空 1 Is it his empty bottle? Is it _________? 2 No, it’s my bottle. It’s _________ . 3 That’s their bin. That’s _________ . 4 That isn’t her bin. It isn’t _________ . 5 The men didn’t take our bin. They didn’t take _________ .

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      - Be careful! Don’t break the bottles. Do you hear ______ I said? David?- Yes, Mum A: what B: that C: why D: if

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      3. Mum: David, what do your friends like to do? David: _____. I can take them to the park.

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      Why did the man break up with her girl friend A: Because her dad did not like him. B: Because she needed to finish her college. C: Because he had a busy career. D: Because her dad threatened not to support her college education.