• 2022-06-04
    6.Not until my son is 16 (he / be allowed) __________________ to use his first smartphone.
  • will he be allowed


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      Only after ________ his homework ________ to watch TV. A: he has finished; is he allowed B: has he finished; is he allowed C: he has finished; he is allowed D: has he finished; he is allowed

    • 1

      A son is unwilling to work in his father’s business mainly because ______.( ) A: he wants to show his love for his parents B: he wants to prove his independence C: he wishes to make full use of what he has learnt in school D: he wishes to do the opposite of what his parents approve of

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      [音频]What do you think Mr. Johnson will most probably do? A: He will take his son out of school at once. B: He willturn a blind eye to his son's behavior. C: He will tell his son not to take his phone to school. D: He will tell his son not to send text messages in class.

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      . The most ______ thing in this is that one is not allowed to use his native language on his native land.

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      Who first described the turning movement? A: Darwin B: Darwin and his son C: Linnaeus D: Linnaeus and his son