• 2022-06-04
    clinic, which of the followings is the most common factor of
    myocardial energy generation disorder? ()
    A: myocarditis
    B: cardiomyopathies
    C: myocardial
    ischemia and hypoxia
    D: pericardial
    E: acidosis
  • C


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      Which of<br/>the followings are the mechanisms of ventricular diastolic<br/>dysfunction? () A: Delayed<br/>restoration of Ca 2+ B: Reduced<br/>diastolic potential energy of ventricles C: Dysfunction<br/>of excitation-contraction coupling D: Reduced<br/>ventricular compliance E: Disorder<br/>of dissociation of myosin-actin complex

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      The most common cause of death from Kawasaki disease in the early phase of disease is: A: Myocardial infarction B: Rupture of an aneurysm C: Stroke D: Myocarditis E: Pericarditis

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      Which<br/>of following could lead to metabolic acidosis with a normal AG? () A: Hypoxia B: Starvation C: Excessive ingestion of ammonium chloride D: Severe renal failure E: Intoxication<br/>of salicylic acid

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      Which<br/>of the following animals is the most common source of Leptospira<br/>interrogans() A: Cattle B: Dogs C: Mice D: Rats E: All<br/>of the above

    • 4

      冠心病的主要临床表现是心肌缺血、缺氧,从而导致的心绞痛、心律失常。严重者可发生心肌梗死,使心肌大面积坏死,危及生命。 A: The most common symptoms associated with coronary heart disease include angina pectoris and arrhythmia caused by myocardial ischemia and hypoxia. B: The main clinical manifestations of coronary heart disease are angina pectoris and arrhythmia which will cause myocardial ischemia and hypoxia.