• 2022-06-04
    We are at your service. Don’t( )to turn to us if you have any further problems.(0.8)
    A: beg
    B: hesitate
    C: desire
    D: seek
  • B


    • 0

      Let us have a look at your pictures,______? A: shall we B: will you C: shan’t we D: won’t you

    • 1

      — Do you have ______ bread ?— No , we don’t have ______ bread . A: A . some , any B: B . some , some C: C . any , some D: D . any , any

    • 2

      请给下列句子排序,以构成一封完整的站内信。 A: If any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. B: Thank you very much for your oder. C: We shall send you the goods within 3 days. D: Hope we will have a good start cooperation.

    • 3

      You can become a more confident person . A: .if you have a positive solution B: if you don’t have any responsibility C: if you develop a positive attitude toward problems D: ,,

    • 4

      Don’t turn the lights on, ____ ? A: shall we B: will you C: won't you D: can't you