• 2022-06-04
    48. The E-med doctors will refer the patients to a hospital in London if ________.
    A: they think that further diagnosis is necessary
    B: patients ask for blood tests
    C: medical investigations cannot be arranged
    D: patients do not accept the diagnosis
  • A


    • 0

      In the process of inquiry, doctors should avoid A: Ask open questions B: Asking in a systematic and purposeful manner C: Leading inquiry and/or calling patients to account D: Encouraging patients to ask questions

    • 1

      Apart from philosophical and legal reasons for respecting patients’ wishes, there are several practical reasons why doctors should ___________ to involve patients in their own medical care decisions.

    • 2

      28.The support role of primary care is to detect disease at an early stage and to _______ patients to acute care for further tests or treatments. A: identify B: support C: check D: refer

    • 3

      Doctors think that lying to their patients is______. A: a medical tradition B: to harm their own integrity C: to defend medicine D: uttering the truth for truth's sake

    • 4

      智慧职教: The medical ___________________ are so advanced that they can help the doctors treat their patients more effectively.