• 2022-06-04
    When I was at college, I ________ a desk with John. We were deskmates.
    A: used as
    B: had fo
    C: shared
    D: shared to
  • C


    • 0

      He and I ______ classmates when we were at college. A: was B: were C: are D: is

    • 1

      When I wanted to go to college, my mom was very much opposed. I had to ______ .

    • 2

      How I wish that I () law when I was at college ! A: had learned B: have learned C: learned D: would learn

    • 3

      The shared bicycles were first used on the campus of __________. A: Peking University B: Tsinghua University C: Fudan University D: Zhejiang University

    • 4

      Though the narrator and Sucker shared a bedroom, the narrator always had the room to himself and used it as he wanted to.