• 2022-06-04
    The industry that attracts most young and _______ people is the industry of tomorrow. ( )
    A: initial
    B: hostile
    C: alien
    D: creative
  • D


    • 0

      In the future, the discovery which will most change the lives of people, most affect the health of the world, and __________ the drug industry is the cure for the common cold.

    • 1

      Pharmaceutical industry is a special industry for the people’s _________ and _________. A: mentality, wealth B: health, wealth C: mentality, life D: health, life

    • 2

      Which industry is a traditional energy industry in Britain? A: Nuclear power B: Coal mining industry C: Auto-making industry D: Oil industry

    • 3

      The industrial Revolution began in the ______________. A: manufacturing industry B: textile industry C: iron industry D: dairy industry

    • 4

      ________is developing with great speed. A: Industry of China B: China’s industry C: China industry D: Chinese industry