There is the following function call statement: func(rec1,rec2+rec3,(rec4,rec5)); The number of actual parameters in the function call statement is ( )
A: 3
B: 4
C: 5
D: There are grammatical mistakes
A: 3
B: 4
C: 5
D: There are grammatical mistakes
- 如果准备向随机文件中写入数据,正确的语句是( ). A: Print B: 1,rec C: Write D: 1,rec E: Put F: 1,rec G: Get H: 1,rec
- 以下结构体类型说明和变量定义中正确的是( ) A: struct REC; {int n;char c;}; REC t1,t2; B: struct REC { int n; char c;}; struct REC t1,t2; C: struct REC; {int n=0; char c=’A’;}t1,t2; D: struct{ int n; char c;}REC; REC t1,t2;
- 以下结构体类型和变量定义中正确的是( )。 A: struct REC ; { int n; char c; }; REC t1,t2 B: typedef struct { int n; char c; }REC; REC t1,t2; C: typedef struct REC; { int n=0; char c='A'; }t1,2; D: struct{ int n; char c;}REC; REC t1,t2;
- 下列结构体类型说明和变量定义中正确的是( )。 A: typedef struct{int n; char c;}REC;REC t1,t2; B: struct REC;{int n; char c;};REC t1,t2; C: typedef struct REC;{ int n=0; char c='A';} t1,t2; D: stmct{ int n; char c;} REC;REC t1,t2;
- 以下结构体类型说明和变量定义中正确的是______。 A: typedef struct B: struct REC; C: int n;char c;REC; int n;char c;; D: REC t1,t2; REC t1,t2; E: typedef struct REC; F: struct G: int n=0;char c='A';t1,t2; int n;char c;REC; H: REC t1,t2;