My mother lets me_____________________time.
- 母亲经常告诉我要好好利用宝贵的时间,远离那些我不信任的人。 A: Mother often tells me to make good use of my precious time and keep my distance from those who mistrust me. B: Mother often tells me making good use of my precious time and keep my distance from those I trust. C: Mother often tells me making good use of my precious time and keeping my distance from those I trust. D: Mother often tells me to make good use of my precious time and keep my distance from those I mistrust.
- My grandparents always give ______ money for my birthday.My father laways takes some work with ______ when he goes on holiday.My mother never lets me help ______ with the cooking.My parents like me to go on holiday with them.
- 在家办公对我来说两全其美:既能保证收入,又有足够时间和家人在一起。 A: Working at home lets me havethe best of both world: a good income and time with family. B: Working at home lets me havethe best of both worlds: a good income and time with family. C: Working at home lets me havethe both worlds: a good income and time with family. D: Working at home lets me havethe most of both worlds: a good income and time with family.
- My mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.
- 中国大学MOOC: My tourist visa lets me stay for (couple)___________weeks.