• 2022-06-05
    Hedging is the act of balancing your assets and liabilities in a foreign currency to become immune to risk resulting from future changes in the value of foreign currency.( )
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      7. If the expected future spot exchange rate value of the foreign currency decreases, with the interest rate differential unchanged, the current spot exchange rate value of the domestic currency:

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      If the forward exchange rate, defined as the domestic currency price<br/>of the foreign currency, is smaller than the spot exchange rate,<br/>there is a ( ). A: forward premium on the foreign currency. B: forward discount on the foreign currency. C: shortage of dollars. D: surplus of dollars.

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      When you withdraw foreign currency from your bank, you have to __________.

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      A common method for preventing foreign exchange risks is ( ) A: the foreign exchange risk management strategy B: currency preservation clauses C: the method of currency selection D: the method of foreign exchange transactions

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      The price of one country's currency in units of another currency or commodity is the ________. A: foreign interest rate B: foreign currency exchange rate C: par value D: international rate