• 2022-06-05
    I ( ) been fired from my job, but I explained to my manager that it’s not my fault.
    A: should have
    B: can have
    C: could have
  • C


    • 0

      M: When I think about it, I can’t believe that I didn’t have the ______ sense to at least put my car keys in my pocket, and I could have left my sunglasses in the car.

    • 1

      __________ in my brother’s position, I would have hung up the phone in the middle of the conversation. A: had I have been B: Have I been C: Had I been D: If I have been

    • 2

      I could find my umbrella nowhere. I ______ it in the taxi. A: should leave B: must have left C: could leave D: should have left

    • 3

      I forgot to give my regards to my manager in my letter.I wish I()it. A: should do B: did C: have done D: had done

    • 4

      "My father and I only board here " can be regarded as "My father and I have only been here once "?