Walt Whitman’s poems are characterized by all the following features except that _____.
- Which of the following was written by Walt Whitman?
- In his poems, Walt Whitman is innovative in the terms of the form of his poetry, which is called “_________.”
- 中国大学MOOC: Deep-sea pelagic fishes are characterized by all of the following except:
- Which of the following statements is not true? A: Whitman advocated greater sexual freedom and tolerance. B: In sexual conduct Whitman may have been conventional. C: Sex in Whitman’s poems is symbolic of natural innocence. D: Sex in Whitman’s poems is symbolic of the regenerative power of nature.
- Walt Whitman’s thematic concerns are_______; ______; _______; ________; __________. A: The ideals of equality and democracy B: The dignity, the self-reliant spirit of the common man C: Pursuit of love and happiness D: Beauty of death E: Some of Whitman's poems are politically committed.