• 2022-06-05
    She had a ____ job as a sales representative.
    A: stress
    B: stressful
    C: stressed
  • B


    • 0

      智慧职教: She got a job as a sales ______ selling handbags.

    • 1

      stress的形容词是______。 A: stressal B: stress C: stressness D: stressful

    • 2

      She got a job as a sales ________selling handbags. A: assist B: assistant C: assistance

    • 3

      Her job is very stressful, so in the evening she likes________yoga or ______swimming to help her relax. She also likes __________ music. (do / go / listen to)

    • 4

      She wanted to learn how to ____________ herself in a job interview. A: knowledgeable B: conduct C: turned out D: representative