中国大学MOOC: __ is a force provided by engines to push airplane forward through the air.
- __ is a force provided by engines to push airplane forward through the air() A: Lift B: gravity C: thrust D: drag
- The _____ of airplane engines announced a coming air raid.
- 中国大学MOOC: ____________he was in the air force he flew Tornado jets.
- 中国大学MOOC: In ________, information is provided through gestures, the use of space, and even silence.
- Which one is not the essential of Bazoushi? A: Ensure the force of strike under control. Do not exert sudden force. B: Concentrate arms,push forward C: Concentrate arms and fingers,push forward and squat,pull hands backward and stand upright. D: Cross with standing palms and push forward, straighten elbows and push outward and keep the two upper limbs and the body a straight line