• 2022-06-05
    Some people can make sure these dreams have ______ by controlling some of their dreams.
  • a happy ending


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      1. In some cultures, people use dreams to predict the future.

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      What is the function of the second paragraph A: To give an example that everybody dreams. B: To make sure that the passage is more interesting. C: To show that dreams may be easily forgotten.

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      The shadowland of dreams means all the difficulties people meet with when pursuing their dreams.

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      Everyone dreams. Most______ are beautiful. Our lives would be miserable without such ______ dreams. Some dreams will come true, but some won't. If you fail to ______ your dream, don't be too ______ . Dream another dream. Your life and ______ will go on.

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      Everyone should have dreams. With dreams and hard work,anything amazing can be ________. A: met B: created C: expected D: practiced