• 2022-06-06
    After receiving foreign buyer’s samples, the seller will provide "equivalent samples" for confirmation by the buyer. In this way, there is a transfer from sale by buyer's sample to ( ) .
    A: Sale by Buyer's Sample
    B: Sale by Seller's Sample
    C: Sale by Equivalent Sample
    D: sale by inspection
  • B


    • 0

      The bank’s obligations under the L/C are independent from the buyer’s and seller’s obligations under the contract for the sale of goods.

    • 1

      The Seller will indemnify the Buyer for any _____ arising as a result of the Seller's failure to perform any of its obligation arising out of the sale of the goods to the Buyer.

    • 2

      5. Once you’ve made the sale, it’s important to close the sale, reinforce the buyer’s decision and leave. ?xml:namespace>

    • 3

      Sale by sample includes 3 cases, i.e., sale by the ______ , sale by the ______ and sale by the ______ .

    • 4

      凭样成交的出品商品的品质条款应力争() A: Quality as per seller’s sample B: Quality as per buyer’s sample C: Quality as per sample