• 2022-06-06
    We all know that department stores and supermarkets use various techniques to persuade us to buy more than we plan to.
  • 我们都知道,百货商店和超市使用各种技巧来说服我们购买超出我们计划的商品。


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      We all think that she is more intelligent than _________in the class.

    • 1

      What will happen if we have to buy a house _________ rent one before we get married? A: rather B: than C: more than D: rather than

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      The knowledge component of intercultural communication competence involves ________. A: what we know about ourselves B: what we know about others C: what we know about the various aspects of communication D: all the above mentioned

    • 3

      What do we know about the plan A: It is finished. B: It’s not finished. C: It’ll be use

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      3. To make a question we use _____ and use to.