• 2022-06-06
    The Republic of Singapore consists of ___
    A: Singapore Island and quite a lot other adjacent islands
    B: Singapore Island and several much smaller adjacent islands
    C: Singapore Island and several much larger adjacent islands
    D: Singapore Island and quite a lot other similar size islands
  • A


    • 0

      New Zealand has a population of about 3.6 million people, the majority of whom live in(). A: the South Island B: the North Island C: the Stewart Island D: the small islands surrounding the country

    • 1

      “The British Isles” refers to . A: Britain,England and the United Kingdom B: the two main islands and other smaller surrounding islands C: three formerly separate countries and several islands D: Great Britain or the United Kingdom

    • 2

      Singapore has close trade ties with lots of other countries, _____________. A: it is because Singapore has geographic advantage. B: because of Cultural Affinity. C: because Singapore has more multinational corporations. D: it is because Singapore close to many countries.

    • 3

      In downtown Singapore, there are a lot of new really tall buildings.

    • 4

      “The British Isles” refers to ( ) A: Britain, England and the United Kingdom B: three formerly separate countries and several islands C: the two main islands and other small ones D: Great Britain or the United Kingdom