• 2022-06-05
     direct preparation method 
  • 稀配法,将全部药物加入所需溶剂中,一 次配成所需浓度,再行过滤。适用于优质原料。


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      The matching principle requires use of the direct write-off method of accounting for bad debts.

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      ______ uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation. A: The Direct Method B: The Audiolingual Method C: The Cognitive Approach D: The Communicative Approach

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      The reason for the exclusive use of the foreign language in the Direct Method is to enable the students to ______ in the target language.

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      The direct method allocates each support department's costs to operating departments only.

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      Operating cash flows have to be presented according to the direct method in the statement of cash flows