• 2022-06-05
    She attempted to ______ this by placing her hand on the back of my neck to keep it steady.
    A: check
    B: make
    C: hold
    D: correct
  • D


    • 0

      She couldn't keep back her tears ______ she felt very sad. A: but B: so C: because D: or

    • 1

      If she wants to keep slim, she must make a ________ in her diet A: change B: turn C: run D: go

    • 2

      ________ my hand while we cross this street. A: Hold on to B: Hold to C: Hold on D: Hold in

    • 3

      The girl was unable to ________ her tears any longer. A: ) hold down B: ) hold on C: ). hold back D: ) hold out

    • 4

      To keep her job , she has to the bad temper of her boss . A: put up with B: take up on C: make up of D: come up to