• 2022-06-05
    His fear of dog dates back ________ his having once been bitten by a large dog.
    A: in
    B: on
    C: to
    D: from
  • C


    • 0

      What will the man bring to school? A: His dog B: His books

    • 1

      His ________ to his dog, beating and not feeding it, is sad. A: cruel B: cruelty C: cruelly D: crucial

    • 2

      The dog was buried ______. A: in his garden B: at his home C: on the top of a mountain D: at the side of a river

    • 3

      她在遛狗吗? A: Is she walking a dog? B: Are you walk a dog? C: Is she walking dog? D: She is walking a dog.

    • 4

      The poor man ______ in the snow for hours. A: has lied on his back B: has been laying on his back C. has been lying on his back