• 2022-06-05
    () like playing football and watching TV.
    A: Most boys
    B: Most of they
    C: Most boy
    D: More of they
  • A


    • 0

      Football playing will continue to be ______ it is today--the most popular game for boys in schools. A: [A] as B: [B] how C: [C] which D: [D] what

    • 1

      Watching TV is the most common leisure activity.

    • 2

      I usually select the most difficult job for myself because I find that the more a job challenges me, ______. A: the most I like it B: I like it the most C: the more I like it D: I like it the most

    • 3

      Of the two boys, Tom behaves __________. A: the most politely B: politely C: most politely D: more politely

    • 4

      ___ US government statistics, watching TV is the __ activity that occupies the most time.