• 2022-06-05
    What are the typical features of WPCs?
    A: weather resistant
    B: environmentally sustainable
    C: long-lasting
    D: higher maintenance costs
  • A,B,C


    • 0

      --- ____? --- It’s Sunny. A: What does the weather like B: What’s the weather like C: How is the weather like D: What’s the weather

    • 1

      What are the typical language features of publicity materials? ( ) A: Use of rhetorical devices such as antithesis B: Use of high-sounding or boastful expressions C: Extensive use of adjectives D: Parallel structures

    • 2

      --- What did your parrot say, Bill? --- It asked us ___________. A: what was the weather like B: what the weather was like C: what does the weather like D: what did the weather like

    • 3

      ____ it is today! A: What fine weather B: what a fine weather C: How a fine weather D: How fine a weather

    • 4

      The weather at the moment is not __________ for July. A: typical B: suitable C: favorable D: classical