• 2022-06-05
    To change your desktop background:
    A: Edit the desktop-background file
    B: Right-click on the desktop, select Change Desktop Background and select a wallpaper
    C: Double-click the desktop, select an available wallpaper and click on Save
    D: Try a different Linux distribution
  • B


    • 0

      ArcGIS Desktop嵌入的VBA程序自动添加什么模块,该模块中包含了ArcGIS Desktop中工具的描述?

    • 1

      Which of the following is not a desktop operating system? A: Microsoft Windows B: OS X C: Linux D: Android

    • 2

      You can use your desktop computer, or your laptop, or your tablet, or your smartphone to access cloud computing.

    • 3

      在JavaScript中,命令按钮(Button)支持的事件是: ( ) A: click B: change C: select D: onLoad

    • 4

      用鼠标选择列表框中的项目,将触发其()事件。 A: Change B: Click C: Select D: ItemCheck