• 2022-06-05
    What the writer worries about in a big city is ()
    A: the number of traffic lights
    B: the shortage of buses
    C: the lack of motorways
    D: the traffic congestion
  • D


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      How far away are the first traffic lights? A: About 105 meters. B: About 115 meters. C: About 150 meters.

    • 1

      ______ about the traffic during the Olympic Games? A: What B: That C: How D:

    • 2

      In London, how does they solve the problem of the traffic congestion() A: They take a completely-free bus service. B: They experimented a very cheap bus service. C: Part of the street is for buses only. D: They closed the streets to cars.

    • 3

      How far away are the first traffic lights?

    • 4

      Traffic jams are not only annoying but also ____________. The extra time and fuel wasted be- cause of traffic congestion add up to almost $_________________.