• 2022-06-05
    Etienne Bertrand is from ______ been hijacks in recent days.
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      — What is the weather like these days — It has been warm for () few days. A: past B: passing C: the past D: pass

    • 1

      He promised to repay me in three days. But days ______ into months and i never got a cent back from him.

    • 2

      A company receives 30 days of credit from its suppliers. Inventory turnover averages 15 days. Trade receivables are given 45 days credit. What is the working capital cycle of the company? A: 90 days B: 30 days C: 60 days D: 0 days

    • 3

      He promises to pay me in three days. But the days ______ into months, and I never got a cent back from him. (stretch)

    • 4

      How many days will Mr. Smith stay in hotel? A: 5 days. B: 4 days. C: 3 days. D: 2 days.