• 2022-06-05
    What did Putin order the government to do
    A: To draft legislation for the creation of special zones where high tech companies would enjoy tax breaks and other incentives.
    B: To draft legislation for the creation of special zones where heavy industries would enjoy tax breaks and other incentives.
    C: To put more money in high-tech sector.
    D: To be better prepared for the next presidential election
  • A


    • 0

      In China, there are four steps of the procedures for tax legislation: legislation proposal, examination, voting and promulgation.

    • 1

      The Legislature today approved a bill that would make the deduction and other provisions of the commuter income tax ______ with those in the New York income tax law.

    • 2

      When other conditions are the same, the higher the tax rate, the more tax revenue.

    • 3

      If firms in an industry enjoy positive profits, other firms would like to enter this market.

    • 4

      It would be better to invest more money into these two channels in order to reach more ______ customers.