• 2022-06-05
    In a scientific article introducing the application of 5G in our daily life, the author’s purpose is to:________
    A: inform
    B: amuse
    C: persuade
    D: argue
  • A


    • 0

      The specific purpose of the “caffeine sample” is to _____. A: inform the audience of the facts about caffeine and its effects on our body B: inform the audience of the events leading to Ophelia’s death C: persuade the audience to applaud the performance D: persuade Romeo to abandon his family name

    • 1

      What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?

    • 2

      The author's chief purpose is ______. A: to inform us that people are dissatisfied with their wages and hours B: to explain that"job enrichment" creates job C: to suggest that bosses hinder production more than they help it D: to persuade us to carry out our greater "job simplification"

    • 3

      The purpose of this passage is to ______. A: inform B: persuade C: debate D: narrate

    • 4

      A general purpose is___________ A: to inform B: to persuade C: to entertain D: to inspire