• 2022-06-06
    He is new in this class. He has________ friends and feels very________.
  • few; lonely


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      Lucy has few friends in the city, so she feels very _______.

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      In the west, if someone says he “feels blue” on “blue Mondays”, he suggests that he feels bad on Mondays because he has to go to work.

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      A person feels a little green means()__. A: he has a sick feeling stomach B: he does not have something as nice as a friend has C: he is very sad D: a day in which everything goes wrong

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      He has made it very clear ________ we should observe the new rules.

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      He feels that he was ______become a musician of top class. (U1-B) A: alert to B: doomed to C: meant to D: destined to