• 2022-06-06
    Which of the following expressions is not correct (不正确)?
    A: If a system is only acted by conservative forces (保守力), the mechanical energy(机械能)must be conserved (守恒).
    B: If net external force is zero then the linear momentum of the system must be conserved.
    C: If net external force is zero, then the mechanical energy of a system must be conserved.
    D: If net external force is zero, then the mechanical energy of a system may not be conserved.
  • C


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      The surroundings include everything external to the system,and the system is separated from the surroundings by the system boundaries.

    • 1

      The crankshaft and connecting rod converts energy into energy used to drive the vehicle. A: mechanical, thermal B: mechanical, kinetic C: thermal, mechanical D: kinetic, mechanical

    • 2

      What’s the type of the control system on CFM56-3 engine? ( ) A: pneumatic mechanical system B: EEC system C: FADEC system D: hydro-mechanical system

    • 3

      It consists of mechanical system, hydraulic system, electrical system and electronic control system, all working together in perfect harmony.

    • 4

      Which of the following descriptions is correct? A: The microscopic viewpoint studies the large-scale properties of matter (temperature, pressure, volume, etc.). B: The part of the universe under study in thermodynamics is called the system; the parts of the universe that can interact with the system are called surroundings. C: For an open system, only matter can be transferred between system and surroundings. D: A closed system must be an isolated system, but an isolated system may not be a closed system.