Transportation Types of transportation are trains, buses, cars, airplanes, and so on. They are for people or goods to move from one place to another. What is the most popular transportation for students? It is a school bus. Why do you think school buses are yellow? It is because people can see yellow very fast. So this can prevent an accident.
- Transportation is the movement of people and goods from one location to another.
- Anthropologists call the men in modem centuries "Legless" because ______. A: people forget how to use his legs and seldom walk anymore B: people like to sit in ears, buses and trains C: lifts and escalators prevent people from walking D: people's legs are injured by modem transportation devices
- People in this city can use their _ transportation for free. A: publish B: popular C: population D: public
- The twin looks so _____ to each other that people can’t distinguish one from another.
- what transaction is the most widely used in the international trade? A: Sea transportation by liners or tramps B: Rail way transportation by trains C: Transportation by air