What measure has been taken to reduce car accidents()
A: Improved highway design.
B: Better public transportation.
C: Regular driver training.
D: Stricter traffic regulations.
A: Improved highway design.
B: Better public transportation.
C: Regular driver training.
D: Stricter traffic regulations.
- What measures has been taken to reduce car accidents A: Regular driver training. B: Improved highway design. C: Stricter traffic regulations. D: Better public transportation.
- What measure has been taken to reduce car accidents A: Regular driver training. B: Improved highway. C: Stricter traffic regulations. D: Better public transportation.
- What has helped to reduce car accidents A: Regular driver training. B: Improved highway design. C: Stricter traffic regulations. D: Better public transportation.
- What measures have been taken to reduce car accidents?
- What measure has the university already taken to prevent hidden accidents?