• 2022-06-06
    You can find a _____amount of Information on the internet.
  • massive


    • 0

      What you need is just a computer, because you can easily get_____ on Internet. A: many useful informations B: much useful information C: some useful informations

    • 1

      You will find the information ........................ on these websites.

    • 2

      Nowhere else in the world ______ a place that beautiful. A: do you find B: you can find C: can you find D: you will find

    • 3

      ---Have you found the information about famous people( )you can use for the report?---Not yet,I’11 search some on the Internet. A: which B: whom C: what D: who

    • 4

      The Internet is really______ to us. We can easily find the information we need. A: safe B: hard C: boring D: useful