• 2022-06-06
    6.He didn’t have time to read the report word for word: he just ________ it.
    A: skimmed
    B: observed
    C: overlooked
    D: glanced
  • A


    • 0

      I just glanced at the ______. I didn’t have time to read the reports. A: unpleasant B: inform C: headline D: Replace

    • 1

      He _____ (浏览) the novel quickly, then read it again more carefully. A: glanced B: looked C: skimmed D: peeped

    • 2

      He knows so much about the story. He must have read the book,() A: mustn't he B: hasn't he C: doesn't he D: didn't he

    • 3

      He admitted, with a.........................(puzzle)frown, that he didn't understand a word of the speech.

    • 4

      He ______ (本来可以选择另一种职业), but at the time, he didn’t have enough money.