• 2022-06-06
    is it an expensive hobby in your country? which do you like?A . skating B. skiing C. Bungee Jumping D. Golf
    A: skating
    B: skiing
    C: Bungee jumping
    D: Golf
  • A,B,C,D


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      Bungee jumping belongs to extreme sports.蹦极属于极限运动。

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      中国大学MOOC: Bungee jumping belongs to extreme sports.蹦极属于极限运动。

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      What’s the man’s favorite sport A: golf B: tennis C: skiing

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      翻译: There are many other hobbies which are considered to be a little bit more extreme, such as bungee jumping, sky diving, free running or abseiling.

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      自由式滑雪的外文名字是下列哪个选项? A: A.Luge B: B.Freestyl C: C. Skiing D: D.Ski jumping