• 2022-06-06
    A: take off
    B: pick off
    C: grid off
    D: net off
  • C


    • 0

      It's quite warm in the room. Why not   your coat? A: pick up B: take off C: put off D: give away

    • 1

      用axis off命令可以不显示网格线,用grid off命令可以不显示坐标轴。

    • 2

      Don’t forget to take your bag when you ______ the bus. A: get off B: take off C: turn off D: put off

    • 3

      Who can ______ the man ____his hat and coat? A: make; takes off B: makes; take off C: make; take off D: makes; takes off

    • 4

      It is a long trip and we will have to (__) early tomorrow. A: start off B: show off C: take off D: put off