• 2022-06-06
    The shadows had turned into dazzling limelight. ()
    A: full
    B: places
    without shadow
    C: center
    of public attention
    D: substantial
  • A


    • 0

      focus ( ) A: having reached a<br/>wanted goal. B: to hold the full<br/>attention of. C: to direct or<br/>devote (one's attention or efforts) to a central point or task. D: to ride on the<br/>waves of the sea with a surfboard.

    • 1

      She<br/>____ my invitation, saying she had an important appointment. A: pay<br/>the price B: turn<br/>down C: turned down D: lie<br/>in

    • 2

      distance<br/>() A: to<br/>move forward after a stop. B: going<br/>on without a pause; persistent. C: in<br/>computing, the act of pressing and releasing the button on a mouse. D: the<br/>measure of space between things, places, or points in time.

    • 3

      He<br/>hopes that by traveling to places not often visited by artists, he<br/>can in some small way ___the issues at stake.() A: draw attention to B: move attention to C: catch eyes to D: pay attention to

    • 4

      2<br/>We just had soup instead ______ We just had soup instead ______ <br/>a full meal.