• 2022-06-06
    Of paramount importance are the beautiful ballads in which Robin Hood’s feats are celebrated. Robin Hood is a partly 7 and partly 8 .
  • historical# legendary


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      Which one is Langland’s work A: Morte d’ Arthu B: Robin Hood C: The Canterbury Tales D: Piers the Plowman

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      ___________ is a legendary hero portrayed in a series of English ballads as a strong, resourceful, and sometimes tender-hearted character. A: Harry Baily B: Robin Hood C: Allin-a-Dale D: Piers

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      Robin Hood was an outlaw, but he robbed only the rich and never molested the poor and needy.

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      The author of Piers Plowman is ______.( ) A: Beowulf B: Robin Hood C: William D: William Langland

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      Robin Hood, a 9 by birth, was an outlaw, a robber but he robbed only the rich and never molested the poor and the needy.