• 2022-06-06
    Once you have a focused topic, you can immediately start plowing through all the sources you can find on the topic, taking notes on everything they read. ( )
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      中国大学MOOC: You should write as fast as you can when taking lecture notes, even if the handwriting is not clear enough to read later.

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      Selecting a topic that is very broad can make it easy for you to research the topic adequately

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      You can choose one topic to write an outline.

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      The way to introduce the topic should be as _____ as possible. You can start the introduction with a ______ incident, a famous_____,a thought ______ question, a general tatement.

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      Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else ______ such a beautiful place. A: can you find B: you could find C: you can find D: could you find