• 2022-06-06
    The most special event occurring next to the pine tree was____。( )
    A: crying because her hair was dyed the wrong color
    B: learning about the facts of life when she was 13
    C: talking about her first date with her mother
    D: telling her mother that she was getting married
  • D


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      Why was Sally unhappy A: Because the radio next door was loud. B: Because she was worded about her work. C: Because her husband quarrelled with her at night.

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      Banked clozeencouragement plantremindsremembers meancasual questionedpleasureplaystimulatingswitch seedwonderquit showWhen the author treats her mother to a lunch, she 1)________ again her childhood lunchtimes with her mother. After her birth, her mother 2)________ her job and stayed home, taking care of her. Her mother would spend almost every lunch hour with her throughout her elementary school years. She had never 3)________ that and took everything for granted. When she grew up, she thought she mattered less than a(n) 4)________ career to her mother, but she was wrong. In fact, her mother enjoyed their time together because a child is like a(n) 5)________ which grows all by itself into a beautiful flower as long as one cares for it.

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      She was ____ by guilt because she had not told her mother the truth.

    • 3

      Heather began her modeling career ( ) A: because<br/>her mother liked the idea B: because<br/>she lost her leg unexpectedly C: because<br/>her brother cheated her D: because<br/>she was very beautiful

    • 4

      The girl said that ________. A: she felt bad for forgetting her mother’s birthday B: she had saved some money for her mother’s birthday C: she spent much time preparing a birthday present for her mother D: she prepared the picnic as the birthday present for her mother